Embracing Excitement and Fear: Two Things I Remind Myself

Lately, I’ve noticed that I often struggle to get started on new things. My mind tends to come up with lazy excuses such as:

  • I’m not capable of doing this
  • It’s too difficult
  • It’s too time-consuming
  • Other, better developers do stuff like this

More often than not, these aren’t rational thoughts. Recently, I’ve adopted a new perspective on these mental blocks.

Embracing Excitement and Fear

Sometimes, the things that scare us the most are the ones that lead to the greatest growth. Whether it’s developing a new software service, launching a project, learning something new, or stepping into the unknown, the initial fear and excitement are signs of new opportunities.

Here are two things i remind myself when I feel scared or excited about something:

  1. Remember, what feels scary today will soon become the new normal. Keep pushing for those exciting/scary things because they’re the ones that help us grow the most. πŸš€
  1. Once you adopt the mindset of embracing the discomfort of stepping out of your comfort zone, you’ll realize that the more you do, the more capable you become. πŸš€